Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How hard is it to drive a manual?

I have been driving for years but not manual. On auto. Anyone can explain if it is hard to change gears everytime in the road or something... :SHow hard is it to drive a manual?
I didn't find it hard it also depends on your instructor, and how they teach you, i found learning to ride a motorbike way harder.How hard is it to drive a manual?
I never wanted to learn to drive a manual shift, but I moved to Italy where most cars are manual. At age 48 I learned to do it and it wasn't hard at all. Just find someone you trust and who knows how to do it to teach you. The key is to practice as much as possible.

Give it a try. If I could do it, anyone can!
Its easy peasy. The engine will scream at you to change gear.

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